On Physics from the beginning

We start with states and observables.

We assume, without definition, the following concepts: there exists a system (in a more general sense than dynamical systems) which is made of states, and we can make measurements of different properties (observables) of the system, obtaining real values which depend on which state the system is. The system changes of state (with respect to a parameter $t \in \mathbb N$ or $t\in \mathbb R$ which we call time) according to a dynamical law.

All this can be modeled, at least to my knowledge, in two ways:

Mathematical model 1 (MM1)

1. You are working with too many degrees of freedom (this is the trick of Classical Statistical Mechanics for avoiding too many dimensions); or

2. You assume that the measurement is not one hundred percent precise, and you repeat again and again obtaining a probability distribution. I think it is the same "considering that the state is distributed" than "considering that the measurement procedure is repeated once and again to yield a distribution".

$$ \omega(f)=\int_{\Omega} f d\mu_{\omega},\quad \mu_{\omega}(\Omega)=\omega(1)=1 $$

Mathematical model 2 (MM2)

The measurement has changed the state in which the system is, unless it were in one of the eigenvectors.


So to recap, we can say that:

1. A system (classical system or quantum system) is given by a c-star algebra $\mathcal{A}$. A subset of $\mathcal{A}$ (the $*$-invariants elements) are the observables.

2. Systems can be set on pure states or mixed states. The latter ones are interpreted as a kind of "combination" of the former ones, or better said, probability distributions of them. They are all positive normalized linear functionals on $\mathcal{A}$. The pure states are required to be also multiplicative (also called characters).

3. In the case of a classical system the algebra is commutative. The multiplicative functionals constitute the Gelfand spectrum of $\mathcal{A}$, which is a compact topological space representing the pure states. The rest of the normalized functionals correspond to probability distributions defined on the Gelfand spectrum of $\mathcal{A}$. For pure states, the probability distribution is typically described by a delta function concentrated at a single point in the phase space. This corresponds to the fact that the system is in a definite state, with the position and momentum of each particle in the system being well-defined.

4. In the case of quantum systems, the algebra is not commutative. The multiplicative functionals (pure states) constitute again the Gelfand spectrum of $\mathcal{A}$, which in many important cases, is a complex projective space with an underlying Hilbert space. They can be also interpreted as one-dimensional projections in the algebra, while the general normalized functionals (mixed states) are represented by density matrices, which are positive semi-definite operators with trace equal to 1. I have to think this yet.

Quantum physics as a generalization of classical physics

We can embed MM1 into MM2 in the following way:

$$ M_f:\mathbb C^n \longmapsto \mathbb C^n $$

defined like the diagonal matrix whose entries are the values of $f$.

But, why do we care about this embedding of MM1 into MM2? Why don't we settle for MM1? See this note: Why did physics go quantum.

To review and maybe incorporate: as it is said in this MO answer the point of QM is to see the algebra of functions as "immersed" in a bigger not necessarily commutative algebra.

Probability theory

Indeed, Quantum Mechanics can be approached from the point of view of probability theory. QM would be a new approach to probabilities, Quantum probability, extending classical probability. See probability theory#Quantum probability.




Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes
